Bicester Acupuncture Clinic Acupuncture and TCM
with Dr Tania Duby


Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Bicester

Bicester Acupuncture Clinic is located in Bicester, Oxfordshire and was established at this convenient location in 2000.

It is easily accessible from the M40, and from Oxford, Buckingham, Banbury, Brackley and the surrounding villages, with convenient free parking outside.

Appointments are available within normal working hours, but some early morning or evening appointments are also available.

Prices are competitive and adjusted according to circumstances ( students, pensioners etc.)

Dr Tania Duby is an experienced acupuncturist and the resident therapist in this private clinic, practicing Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) since 1994. She has long term experience of working with a wide range of people and their conditions, including 17 years in Oxford's Hospice Sobell House Day Centre and a day surgery in a hospital in Nan Jing, China.

Dr Tania Duby is a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) and as such bound by a code of safe practice and ethics. All members of the British Acupuncture Council carry full medical malpractice and public liability insurance.


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