Bicester Acupuncture Clinic Acupuncture and TCM
with Dr Tania Duby

Traditional Chinese Medicine #01

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM ) equips the practitioner with a holistic approach of treatments to promote health and healing. It complements rather then contradicts a given conventional treatment of modern Western Medicine ( WM ).

Acupuncture is a branch of TCM and is a healing technique more then 3, 000 years old. It is a practice of inserting very fine needles into specific points on the body to elicit healing . Sometimes the acupuncture points need additional stimulation techniques like cupping, massage and others.
But TCM and acupuncture is also used as preventative medicine ( migraines, Hay fever, asthma etc.) and to help maintain health and wellbeing.

This truly holistic treatment , based on well developed protocols and other comprehensive evaluation of patient's overall health, is then tailored to the specific needs of the individual as it stimulates the body's own healing mechanism. Many patients are not only relieved of their symptoms, they also report an increased level of energy, better sleep and enhanced sense of overall wellbeing.

Your acupuncturist needs to ask you about your health history as well as to examine your tongue, its colour, shape , coating, followed by feeling your pulse.

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